61 The Ranks 62 The Congregation 63 The Hypocrites 64 The Mutual Deceit 65 The Divorce 66 The Prohibition 67 The Kingdom 68 The Pen 69 The Inevitable 70 The Ways of Ascent 71 Nuh 72 The Jinn 73 The Wrapped Up 74 The Covered One 75 The Resurrection 76 Time 77 The Sent Forth 78 The Great Event 79 The Draggers 80 He Frowned 81 The Folded Up 82 The Cleaving 83 The Deceivers in Measuring 84 The Rending Asunder 85 The Celestial Stations 86 The Nightly Visitant 87 The Most High 88 The Overwhelming Calamity 89 The Daybreak 90 The City